The Thames Vale Vultures are a small, friendly group of Bike owners who meet every second Wednesday of the Month at The Royal British Legion Club Eversley Road Arborfield RG2 9PR from 7pm, for food, drink and good company.
We have a group Rideout on the last Sunday of every month.
Riders and potential riders of all types of Motorcycle are welcome to come along, we do not discriminate against age, gender or ability or the size or style of your bike.
All we ask is that you commit to the aims of the Group and support our activities and Events.
Always keen to help others, we try to help out wherever we can.
Amongst other things, we organise the Berkshire Egg Run which gives Easter Eggs to those in our area who might not otherwise receive one. We provide food and clothes as well as sleeping bags and tents to the homeless in Reading through Project Serena.
We support the Reading Christmas Toy Run.
In addition to these regular events over the last 3 years (2022, 2023 & 2024), several of our members rode 1000 miles around Scotland in 24 hours on the Iron Butt 1k Challenge, to raise money for the Royal British Legion.
Our way of thanking the Arborfield Branch for making us welcome.
E-Mail us for more details, or just turn up, either way you'll be made very welcome
Why Join Us??
Well, if you join us, you become a member of one of the friendliest and most active bike groups in the area.
Want to know more about the Vultures? e-mail us.
Find us at: The Royal British Legion Club Eversley Road Arborfield RG2 9PR